Oct 18, 2018
Drinking with us this week is L.A. based rapper/Travel vlogger/ podcaster Imagine. We of course talk travel, including a crazy story about ping pong balls in Thailand. We talk about his past and future projects and what he expects out of fatherhood.
Halloween Come out to Dames N Games Van Nuys for the Vampires and Vixens Halloween Party. Say Matt Slayers Name at the door for free admission. Party Kicks off at 9:00 p.m.
November 4th in the DOJO of Comedy. Matt Slayer will be producing Manwhore Podcast: Live in LA. Come watch NYC comedian Billy Procida share the stage with 4 ex partners and try to figure out why it didn't work out. FREE PARKING!
Get your tickets at manwhorepod.com/tickets
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Theme music
"And Now We Drink" performed by AS EARTH RECLAIMS US